Paying Lip Service to Jerusalem
Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel.
Costa Rica opens its embassy in Tel Aviv after closing Jerusalem mission
Costa Rica opened its embassy in Tel Aviv Friday, relocating its diplomatic mission after 24 years in Jerusalem, the foreign minister said in a statement...
Israel claims all of Jerusalem as its capital, but most nations don't formally recognize that claim. Since 1982, Costa Rica and El Salvador have been the only two countries with embassies there. In August, both countries announced their decisions to relocate to Tel Aviv.
"It's time to rectify a historical error that damages us on the international level and deprives us of any friendship with the Arab world," Arias said at the time.
Israel criticized the decision, saying it could be interpreted as a surrender to terrorism.
Why would any country recognize a UN created imperialist land-grab like Apartheid Israel when the whole world knows that without Uncle Sam's welfare checks, the Zionist colony wouldn't even exist?
John Brown, at
Thu Dec 07, 02:37:00 AM GMT+2
You are absolutely correct. Why should any country respect our designation of Jerusalem as our capital when we do not demand or earn that respect!
The other day, the PA prime minister announced again that neither Hamas nor the PA would give up one piece of Palestine or recognoze Israel's right to exist. At about the same time, our ignorant Prime Minister Olmert rushes to announce how much land Israel will give away to the Arabs.
Israel does not cherish the land as much as the Arabs do and is not willing to sacrifice for it. Perhaps that failure and the general approach of the Olmert government are the reasons that
G-d has not allowed it to rain.
Anonymous, at
Thu Dec 07, 11:46:00 AM GMT+2
jerusalem will be "complete and united as the Capital of Israel" when mashiach comes. untill then, we should learn to share.
Anonymous, at
Tue Jan 23, 02:55:00 PM GMT+2
Does Israel have juristiction over the location of international embassies?
Anonymous, at
Thu Jan 25, 11:00:00 AM GMT+2
The cowering of the West in the face of Islamic pressure is indeed shocking.
Dry Bones
Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Yaakov Kirschen, at
Fri Feb 02, 11:42:00 AM GMT+2
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