The Latest Meme: Out with the I-Pods and In with the Books - New & Improved
Ezzie, of SerandEz, tagged me to do the latest meme - namely, What's On Your I-Pod? - that is making the rounds around the Jewish Blogsphere (presumably, after it had already made is around the rest of the Blogsphere 1st). Now, don't confuse this meme with its cousin, the meme 7.
Here is how the I-Pod Meme works:
1. Turn on your mp3 player.
2. Hit shuffle.
3. Put the first fifteen songs that come up in a post. No matter how embarrassing. No cheating!
Ok, now for the technical difficulties:
1) I don't own an I-Pod - I guess I am just not "with it".
Ezzie's response:
Since a few of those pointed to say they don't have one... If you don't have an MP3 player, then cheat: Put down 15 CD's pointed to randomly, or if you have music on your computer, do as I did and play them shuffled.
2) I don't own 15 CD's - almost all of the CD's in the house belong to my wife, and do not reflect my taste in music.
3) I don't download music onto my computer.
Now, don't get me wrong. I like music as much as anyone, and the radio is always on at the office, it's just not something that I am willing to spend money on (or time - to download songs).
But, I do spend a lot of money and time on books, so here is a list of 15 books that I have either read recently, think is an exceptional book, or am currently reading (This list does not include sifrei kodesh, although maybe it should):
1) Jews for Nothing - Dov Aharoni Fisch - currently reading - On Cults, Intermarriage and Assimilation that are all plaguing American Jewry
2) Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism - Aviezer Ravitzky - started reading, but stopped when I picked up #1
3) The Haj - Leon Uris - recently read - gives an Arab perspective to the founding of the State of Israel
4) The Siege - Connor Cruise O'Brien - started reading, but stopped when I picked up #2 - one of the best historical accounts of Zionism and the State of Israel (through the 1980's)
5) O' Jerusalem - Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre - 1st book I ever read about Israel / Zionism - a thrilling account of the establishment of the State of Israel - a must read
6) Exodus - Leon Uris - A classic
7) 90 Minutes at Entebbe - William Stevenson - A book full of Jewish Pride and reminds us of what the Jewish State can and should be about
8) Perfidy - Ben Hecht - A closer look at the role of the Yishuv and American Jewry during the Holocaust - a difficult but important read
9) A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust - David S. Wyman, Rafael Medoff - related to #8 - This is a book about someone who tried to do something and all of the challenges that he was faced with (from within American Jewry)
10) From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine - Joan Peters - Want to know what the Arab - Jewish conflict is all about and what its roots are? Read this book.
11) Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall - Paul Eidelberg - A blueprint for electoral / judicial reform in Israel that will help strengthen Israel as a Jewish State
12) Our Challenge - Rabbi Meir Kahane - A vision for what the Jewish People and State should aspire towards
13) Raid on the Sun : Inside Israel's Secret Campaign that Denied Saddam the Bomb - Rodger Claire - I figured this book might be relevant again (think Iran)
14) The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute Annual Assessment 2004-2005: Between Thriving And Decline - Rami Tal (Editor) - Recently bought - It's pretty self explanatory
15) Letters to Talia (Hebrew) - Prequel (sort of) to Rabbi Chaim Sabato's Adjusting Sights - A correspondence between an Israeli Hesder soldier and a secular Kibbutznik girl - very powerful
I am sure that there are books that should be on this list that I left off, but as I am not writing this post from my personal library, I had to put this list together by memory.
I am a bit hesitant to tag anyone with this updated Book Meme, as I don't know how much people read anymore, but I will tag the following people who I believe to be intelligent people who know how to read, or just people whose blog I like (who might not be intelligent) - I will leave it to each person to determine which category he / she might be in:
Jameel, Ezzie, Shoshana, Natan, Joe Settler, Elder of Ziyon, Soccer Dad, Smooth, Tovya, Purple Parrot, Don - On the Contrary, Cosmic X
See, now this is a way to lose blogging buddies... ;)
I will get to this tomorrow iyH. First, I have to find 15 respectable books to lie about. :)
Ezzie, at
Thu Dec 08, 11:38:00 AM GMT+2
Wait, Ezzie, you started it - making me feel inadequate about not being in the elite status of owning an I-Pod...
Ze'ev, at
Thu Dec 08, 11:46:00 AM GMT+2
I am not sure I know the rules of the meme - but I am offended I did not get tagged anyway. I could have put my list on your comments board. Hmmph!
Anonymous, at
Thu Dec 08, 12:55:00 PM GMT+2
Haim, I only tagged people with blogs... but you are certainly invited to add your list...
Ze'ev, at
Thu Dec 08, 01:32:00 PM GMT+2
Hmph - OK, but only if I can include books that I'm somewhere in the middle of.
Do books of English madrigals count?
Don Radlauer, at
Thu Dec 08, 03:01:00 PM GMT+2
Two "hmphs" on one post? Geez.
Don, you can include whichever books you like - whether you have read them, want to read them, in the middle of reading them... or if they are English madrigals - but you 1st have to enlighten the rest of us as to what a madrigal is.
Ze'ev, at
Thu Dec 08, 03:06:00 PM GMT+2
Don, you can include whichever books you like - whether you have read them, want to read them, in the middle of reading them... or if they are English madrigals - but you 1st have to enlighten the rest of us as to what a madrigal is.
I checked with HaRav Google Shlit"a
Anonymous, at
Thu Dec 08, 11:29:00 PM GMT+2
Who knew you had such romantic followers? [see above]
Anonymous, at
Thu Dec 08, 11:30:00 PM GMT+2
OK, I'm sort of mostly done. Whew.
Elder of Ziyon, at
Fri Dec 09, 12:20:00 AM GMT+2
Hey, I don't own one either! :)
Ezzie, at
Fri Dec 09, 10:21:00 AM GMT+2
Shavua Tov Ze'ev. Glad to see such diversity in your book selection ;-)
So, I'm hoping to aquire an Ipod for the upcoming festival of lights. Is it OK if I defer the meme until then? Pleeease?
And H- just start a blog already! Don't deny us your voice any longer!
Anonymous, at
Sun Dec 11, 09:08:00 AM GMT+2
PP, Shavua tov.
I can't tell if you';re being serious about the book diversity comment.
You are welcome to do the I-Pod meme instead - of courese, i will just assume that you are doing so b/c youdont read, but if you're ok with that...
Ze'ev, at
Sun Dec 11, 09:10:00 AM GMT+2
So Ze'ev - just for you - I finally got round to this. This is a hastily thrown together list of books that define my reading norms based on books I have read recently or want to read (again) (not including sifrei kodesh) using the principle of alternating books of loosely defined Jewish and non-Jewish interest (I have kept out explanations of the books for brevity and therefore made sure I have kept the selection either mainstream or obviously guessable as to what its content is):
1. The Jew in the Modern World – Paul Mendes-Flohr & Yehuda Reinhardz eds.
2. Kafka on the Shore – Haruki Murakami.
3. Shirei Yerushalayim – Yehuda Amihai
4. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – J.K.Rowling
5. The Other Israel: Edited by Roane Carey and Jonathan Shanin
6. The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency - Alexander McCall Smith
7. The Dignity of Difference – Jonathan Sacks
8. Ten Poems to Change your Life – Roger Housden
9. Evolving Halacha: A Progressive Approach to Traditional Jewish Law – Rabbi Dr Moshe Zemer
10. 1984 – George Orwell
11. Standing Again At Sinai – Judith Plaskow
12. Them – Jon Ronson
13. With Friends Like These – Matti Golan
14. The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkien
15. Reason To Believe – Rabbi Louis Jacobs
Anonymous, at
Sun Dec 11, 12:00:00 PM GMT+2
Haim, its nice to see that we have some overlap:
#1 is a classic and an invaluable resource
#5 I have, but wouldnt say I particularly like it.
#10 is great - very applicable in today's political reality in Israel.
#13 is a very good read.
Ze'ev, at
Sun Dec 11, 12:31:00 PM GMT+2
Ze'ev - you should really read no.11 if you haven't. You will of course hate it - but I think it will give you a renewed understanding of just how dangerous the likes of me and PP are to Torah True Judaism.
PP - I could never start my own blog - one because I would end up writing things in the heat of the moment that I would regret. two because I would have to spend too much time on it, meaning i could not invade the comments areas of others, and actually may never get any work done, and three - I think no married person should have a blog because it is a recipe for indiscrete disaster. (No offence Ze'ev - you have the discipline to stay firmly on topic - bravo!)
But most of all, I think that unless blogs are either funny and irreverant or part of a far reaching political agenda, they are usually boring - I would fall between the chairs. So no - no blog from me, but I will continue to haunt my faves. Instead you should concentrate on convincing AB to continue blogging.
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Sun Dec 11, 03:01:00 PM GMT+2
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