Where would we be without Jewish - Arab co-existence? (No, seriously...)

A new record has been set here in Israel, and it would not have been possible without some genuine co-existence between Jews and Arabs (courtesy of Ha'aretz, of course).
A traffic camera last month captured the fastest speeding violation ever recorded in Israel, when a stolen Mercedes 500 was caught on film "flying" down Highway 4 south of the Rishon Letzion interchange at 248 kilometers per hour (155 MPH).
Where's the co-existence, you ask? Read on.
The car was stolen in late October from the home of a Ramat Gan businessmen, and the film from the traffic camera was developed, as usual, several days after the violation was captured.
This privately imported Mercedes has a 5,000 cc engine and a speed that is limited by the manufacturer to 250 kph.
It may therefore be assumed that the thieves, who were headed for the Palestinian Authority, were going as fast as possible.
So, there you have it.
If not for the Israeli businessman owning this really nice car and the Arab who decided to relieve him of it, this record may never have been set.
If this doesn't make you reconsider the value of the Oslo accords and the Peace Process, I don't know what will. I'm just looking forward to the day when I can tell my grandchildren about this... they'll be so proud.
Off topic: (altho this post did raise a small smile)
Ze'ev, I don't think you noticed that I answered your question to the "Israeli Left" the other day. And now I have a question for you: If you truly wish to question them, why on earth would you re-print that post on Arutz Sheva, as opposed to Haaretz or Ynet?!
tafka PP, at
Wed Nov 23, 01:23:00 PM GMT+2
PP, always a pleasure to receive a comment from you - and being able to make you smile is icing on the cake (although I am still waiting for that e mail you promised me).
As for your point, it is a very valid one, and if you have any suggestions as to how to get Ha'aretz, YNET and JPost to run my articles / posts, I would be very happy to grace their readers with my "racist" views.
I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy, I am willing to share my views with all readers: religious & secualr, left & right, Jew & non-Jew - the question is how to reach all of them - this blog is one way, poasing articles on Arutz 7, Israel Insider and the jewish press is another, and I am open to any other suggestions...
Ze'ev, at
Wed Nov 23, 01:27:00 PM GMT+2
PP, one other thing...
I just responded to your comment on my post "A Question for the Israeli left" - sorry it took so long.
Ze'ev, at
Wed Nov 23, 01:46:00 PM GMT+2
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