A Non-Kosher Way to Think...

This past week, Israeli (Russian) billionaire businessman, Arkadi Gaydamak, bought the Tiv Ta'am supermarket chain, which, until now, was one of the largest suppliers of pork products in Israel.
Gadamak has declared his intent to make the Tiv Ta'am supermarket chain kosher, dramatically reducing the number of places selling pork product in Israel.
So far so good.
Things get a bit complicated, however, when Gaydamak explain his reasoning for turning Tiv Ta'am kosher.
Simply put, what Gaydamak should have said was:
"I believe that in a Jewish State, selling pork is a provocation."
A provocation towards Jews!
If any animal serves as the symbol of all that is non-kosher and anti-Judaism, it is the pig.
However, there is an additional reason why we should be troubled by Gaydamak's remarks. Namely, his remarks serve as an indictment against the Jewish People.
Gaydamak knows that Muslims won't accept pork being sold in their community - and he is not interested in offending their sensibilities, as is made clear by his statement.
Gaydamak doesn't seem to be overly concerned of offending the majority of Jews living in the Jewish State of Israel, and that reflects shamefully both upon Gaydamak and all Jews who call the Jewish State home.
Gadamak has declared his intent to make the Tiv Ta'am supermarket chain kosher, dramatically reducing the number of places selling pork product in Israel.
So far so good.
Things get a bit complicated, however, when Gaydamak explain his reasoning for turning Tiv Ta'am kosher.
"I believe that in a Jewish state, in which there is a large Muslim minority, selling pork is a provocation."If Israel is a Jewish State, then why does it matter how large or small the Muslim population is?
Simply put, what Gaydamak should have said was:
"I believe that in a Jewish State, selling pork is a provocation."
A provocation towards Jews!
If any animal serves as the symbol of all that is non-kosher and anti-Judaism, it is the pig.
However, there is an additional reason why we should be troubled by Gaydamak's remarks. Namely, his remarks serve as an indictment against the Jewish People.
Gaydamak knows that Muslims won't accept pork being sold in their community - and he is not interested in offending their sensibilities, as is made clear by his statement.
Gaydamak doesn't seem to be overly concerned of offending the majority of Jews living in the Jewish State of Israel, and that reflects shamefully both upon Gaydamak and all Jews who call the Jewish State home.
Labels: Food, Jewish Pride
Gaydamak is doing a wonderful thing by eliminating a major source of non-kosher food in Israel. Stating that one of his reason for doing so is to stop offending Muslims does not detract from his mitzvah of improving the likelihood that more Jews will eat kosher food.
Anonymous, at
Wed Jun 13, 03:38:00 PM GMT+3
i think you're reading too much in to it...
He says both the fact that Israel is a Jewish State and has a Muslim population, both of these are good reasons to not sell pork...
Don't see too much wrong with that.
Noam, at
Wed Jun 13, 05:23:00 PM GMT+3
...alternatively, he's saying that while the Jews are reasonable enough to accept that pork will be sold in their country without being 'offended', the Muslims are less reasonable.
Perhaps not the best way he could have said it, but it's not as bad as you think.
Ezzie, at
Thu Jun 14, 05:32:00 PM GMT+3
Sometimes it doesn't really matter the spirit behind the action as long as it benefits several people involved. We can consider it a blessing for Jews and taking a step closer to a Kosher Am Yisrael.
Yehudi, at
Sat Sep 29, 07:21:00 AM GMT+2
very good, not only for kashrut religious reasons but for health reasons as their meat was known to often be dodgy.
love the picture of Mohammad on a spit by the way.
Anonymous, at
Fri Nov 16, 06:35:00 AM GMT+2
You said,
"If Israel is a Jewish State, then why does it matter how large or small the Muslim population is?"
I'm sorry, but that is an extremely ignorant and biased statement. That is the exact equivalent of a Muslim state citizen asking why they need to treat their Jews with respect.
"If this is a Muslim state, and Jews are a small minority, what does it matter how we treat them?"
Please take a step back from your zealousness. I appreciate your bulwark as a positive force for Israel - but it is possible to go too far.
But, don't get me wrong, his reasoning for not selling pork is definitely flawed.
1. Above all else, I don't think we need to worry about annoying Muslims over PORK - Our Jewishness is all we need to worry about, me thinks.
2. Your main point stands - how about eliminating pork for the JEWS...
Honestly...his statment seems more like a PR campaign than actual reasoning.
Killerclown, at
Wed Apr 30, 07:27:00 PM GMT+3
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