Family Day in Israel: A holiday that leaves us with nothing to celebrate...
Never heard of it?
Don't worry. If the statistics that were released in honor of Family Day by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics (along with New Family) concerning the makeup of families in Israel ('defined as two or more people living in the same household as partners or as parents with children') are accurate, then it seems that in the not to distant future, there won't be much of a need to celebrate Family Day in the Jewish State.
Marriage becomes less popular, family rights 'ignored'
The latest report published by New Family notes a 35% decrease in marriage rates in 2005 compared with 2004 - down from 40,537 to 26,454 marriages...
In 2004, there were 1.6 million families in Israel who fit this definition, each averaging 3.7 people. Of these, 82% were Jewish and 16% were Arab. Half of all families were composed of parents with children under the age of 18.
The number of single-parent families is growing 1.8 times faster than other families. In 2004, they numbered 103,000, totaling 6.4% of all families.
While 73% of families in the Arab sector are composed of two parents and their children, only 46% of Jewish families follow this pattern - 26% of them do not have children, and 13% have only one parent. In contrast with 4.9 people in the average Arab family, the average Jewish family has 3.5 members.
There are 18,000 families composed of same-sex couples. In lesbian households, 30% of couples are raising children, compared with 20% of male homosexual couples.
Now, let us add to the mix an additional set of statistics taken from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics annual report on the make-up of the State of Israel's population:
* By the end of 2004, Israel's population reached 6,869,500, including 5,237,600 Jews (76.2 percent), 1,340,200 Israeli Arabs (19.5 percent) and 291,700 "others" (4.2 percent).
* In 2004, the Jewish community constituted 76.2 percent of Israel's total population in comparison to 77.8 percent in 2000. However, the Muslim population reached 16.1 percent in 2004, in comparison to 15.2 percent in 2000.
* The Israeli population is regarded as the "youngest" population, with 28.4 percent under the age of 14 years, compared to an average of 17 percent in other westernized countries. However, in comparison to other communities in Israel, the Jewish population is the "oldest", while the Muslim community is considered the "youngest".
* Furthermore, 11.6 percent of the Jewish population is over the age of 65, compared to 2.7 percent in the Muslim community; 43 percent is under the age of 14 compared 25.6 percent among the Jewish community.
* The growth rate among Israel’s Jewish population was 1.4%. The growth rate among Muslims was double the Jewish rate, at 3.3%
* Fertility rates have remained stable, however, among the Jewish population at 2.9 children per woman, according to the CBS. Since 2000, the rate has dropped among Muslims, from 4.7/4.6 to 4.4.
From the above statistics, we can deduce a number of frightening conclusions:
1) The demographic threat to the Jewish State of Israel is not merely from the "Palestinians" but even more so from Israeli (Muslim) Arabs, whose growth rate is double that of Jews within the State of Israel.
2) The foundations of the Jewish family in Israel are crumbling. Fewer Jews are getting married, and the ones that are are having fewer children. Single parent and same sex families are on the rise. All the while, Israeli (Muslim) Arab families remain strong and stable, having more children than there Jewish counterparts.
3) The Jewish population of the State of Israel is aging, and with fewer marriages and children born each year, this trend is not going to change. On the other hand, Israeli (Muslim) Arab's have the youngest average age of any community in Israel, while having the most children.
In my previous post, I highlighted the inherent conflict that exists between the State of Israel being both a Jewish and democratic state (and the preference of Israel's Supreme Court, along with others, democracy over the State of Israel's Jewish character) and it is statistics like the ones above that prove this point beyond a shadow of a doubt.
All of the Statistics above are dealing only with those with Israeli citizenship, so even if Israel were to retreat from all areas liberated in the Six Day War, it would not change a single thing.
If the State of Israel were truly a democracy, it would not matter whether Israeli Arabs were having more children that Jewish Israelis, how old they were, or their growth rate. However, if the State of Israel is a Jewish State, then these statistics should be cause for alarm and for decisive action. Steps must be taken to strengthen the traditional Jewish family within the Jewish State of Israel, while neutralizing the demographic threat posed by non-Jews to the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish State.
* For further analysis of the threat that these statistics pose to the Jewish State of Israel, click here.
* To understand the role of American Jewry in overcoming the demographic threat that is plaguing the Jewish State, click here.
H, I think this is the answer to the comment you made in the post about Jewish Democracy (whatever that may mean). Even inside the "green line", the Arabs will outnumber the Jews within a matter of time. What are you planning to do then?
Critically Observant Jew, at
Wed Mar 01, 05:32:00 PM GMT+2
The alternative is to bring in all those who claim any kinship with the Jewish people: there are thousands of people in the southern part of the U.S. and in South America who are descended from Anusim. They have to be encouraged to come here and live. Plus, there are thousands of otheres throughout the world claiming descendency from the Lost Tribes. They should be converted and their arrival should be expedited. That would solve our 'demographic' problem.
Anonymous, at
Wed Mar 01, 10:19:00 PM GMT+2
As I have said throughout. These lies are designed to scare us. The Arab birthrate would dramatically drop if they were given the same level of education and lifestyle as the jewish population.
Since the creation of the state the percentage of the population which is Arab has actually decreased, not increased! There is no demographic threat, this is a demagogic tool of the Racist right to scare the electorate into abandoning the value of democracy.
Anonymous, at
Thu Mar 02, 08:25:00 AM GMT+2
Haim, perhaps you can elaborate on exactly which of the statistics quoted by the Central Bureau of Statistics are flase?
Are you implying the Israel's Central Bureua of Statistics is in collusion with the right?
As for the Arab population rate not increasing, it is only b/c of mass Aliyah from the FSU that that is the case - and in spite of the millions of Olim that have come since 1948, we have only managed to keep pace with the Arabs of Israel - a relative 80 / 20 split - but with the Aliyah well pretty much dried up - expect the statistics to change.
Haim, in this instance, it is you who are painting the false picture by ignoring the true demogrphic threat to the Jewish State.
Ze'ev, at
Thu Mar 02, 11:51:00 AM GMT+2
It is not the statistics which are false, but your interpretation of them.
Anonymous, at
Thu Mar 02, 01:47:00 PM GMT+2
Haim, how do you explain the fact that educated Arabs from Saudi Arabia still manage to have dozens of children (from more than one wife, of course)? Is it the same explanation for the fact that it was the educated Arabs who blew up the WTC or the educated "Palestinians" who perpetrated suicide attacks on Israel?
It is not the education that prevents high birthrate - it is the Westernization of the society - stuff like single parent homes, same-sex couples, people marrying in their 30s, and the like that contribute to low birthrate. Unless you want to Westernize the Arabs, i.e. throw out their religious adherence or create "bagel and lox"/"hummus and tehina" Islam, you won't be able to change their birthrate. Not with education.
Critically Observant Jew, at
Thu Mar 02, 06:22:00 PM GMT+2
Related article:,7340,L-3223268,00.html
JoeSettler, at
Fri Mar 03, 01:30:00 AM GMT+2
As an experienced "semi-pro" Zionist who has participated in many Zionist congresses I have heard the "Israel is a Jewish and democratic state" declaration ad nauseanum and come to the conclusion that this expression is an oxymoron of the first order. An Israel that is not a democratic Western state cannot be acceptable to truly democratic people and it does not matter whether a country is governed according to religious Islamic, Jewish or Christian principles - it will be (and in the Islamic case already is) a totalitarian state of hate and fear and therefore utterly unacceptable. Today, we know that the birthrate of Israeli citizens is falling due to generally better education, proving the old theory, that social betterment does limit hitherto unlimited birthrates - a theory that is, on the other hand, refuted by Israel orthodox and ultra-orthodox citizens that out of religious tradition and nationalistic fervour breed up to the breaking point with all their might. So, the high Arab birthrate is the result of tradition and very low women's status in the Arab world, while on the the other hand, high Jewish birthrates (not applicable to the non-orthodox sector) seems to be a way of political activism. Sort of an irrational "Sex for Israel's survival" strategy.
We Jews, more than most others, have helped shaping the modern democratic world and we should not allow ourselves to undo such achievements, that, after all, have brought us, after near total extinction, a modern, functioning and very democratic state.
As an afterthought: every state has it in it's own hands, to steer immigration to the advantage of it's own people. Like European states (who - so I hope - have not missed the boat, of stopping medieval islamic immigration) or the USA, every state has it in it's own power to regulate it according to the democratic laws it gives itself. The overuse of the demographic scare card is deplorable. The chicken or the egg question of giving our Arab citizens the same rights (which on paper they mostly have anyway) when they take upon themselves the same obligations like the majority of the Jewish citizens (which of the two comes first?" must be solved. Jewish morals and ethics cannot be applied to Jews only.
Anonymous, at
Tue Mar 07, 10:52:00 PM GMT+2
This post was very awesome. I'd love to see more like it.
Anonymous, at
Fri Apr 07, 02:10:00 AM GMT+3
Unknown, at
Thu Oct 28, 11:26:00 AM GMT+2
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