Why settle for the JIB Awards when you can have the real thing?
For the most part, I have been silent about the ongoing JIB Awards. The reason my silence was my being peeved that due to technical difficulties (which for the most were of my own making) this blog was not included in the competition - and while I did not expect to win, I was interested in the added exposure that being nominated in the JIB Awards would bring.
As I have posted about before on a number of occasions, the reason why I blog (blog can be used as a verb, right?) is to promote a vision that I have for the Jewish People and State to as wide an audience as possible, and perhaps inspire others to consider these ideas in a new light, who would then, ideally, help in bringing them to fruition.
Well, that being said, it looks like I may have found a better venue for promoting my ideas (at least in the long-term) than the JIB Awards could ever provide.
What venue am I talking about?
Why, the Knesset, of course.
That's right, it looks as if I will be a candidate on the National Union party ticket in the upcoming elections - and what better place is there than the Knesset to try and take an active role in shaping the future of the Jewish People and State?
So, to all of my loyal readers out there (with Israeli citizenship) who weren't able to vote for me in the JIB Awards, you can now express your support by voting for me (or, more accurately, voting for my party - The National Union / HaIchud HaLeumi) in the upcoming Israeli elections.
I don't know exactly in which position I will find myself on the National Union party list, but once I find out I will be sure to let all of you know and then you can let all of your friends and family know, who will let all of their friends and family know, and then, just maybe... (Even if I don't get elected this time around, it will be something to tell the grandkids one day, and I imagine it will look pretty impressive on my resume).
At this point, I wouldn't say that I am making a career change from Jewish / Israel education into politics. As I see it, I am just trying to find the best way for myself to take an active role in helping the Jewish People achieve their destiny - in the Jewish State, of course.
We are taught in Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers (2:21):
As I have posted about before on a number of occasions, the reason why I blog (blog can be used as a verb, right?) is to promote a vision that I have for the Jewish People and State to as wide an audience as possible, and perhaps inspire others to consider these ideas in a new light, who would then, ideally, help in bringing them to fruition.
Well, that being said, it looks like I may have found a better venue for promoting my ideas (at least in the long-term) than the JIB Awards could ever provide.
What venue am I talking about?
Why, the Knesset, of course.
That's right, it looks as if I will be a candidate on the National Union party ticket in the upcoming elections - and what better place is there than the Knesset to try and take an active role in shaping the future of the Jewish People and State?
So, to all of my loyal readers out there (with Israeli citizenship) who weren't able to vote for me in the JIB Awards, you can now express your support by voting for me (or, more accurately, voting for my party - The National Union / HaIchud HaLeumi) in the upcoming Israeli elections.
I don't know exactly in which position I will find myself on the National Union party list, but once I find out I will be sure to let all of you know and then you can let all of your friends and family know, who will let all of their friends and family know, and then, just maybe... (Even if I don't get elected this time around, it will be something to tell the grandkids one day, and I imagine it will look pretty impressive on my resume).
At this point, I wouldn't say that I am making a career change from Jewish / Israel education into politics. As I see it, I am just trying to find the best way for myself to take an active role in helping the Jewish People achieve their destiny - in the Jewish State, of course.
We are taught in Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers (2:21):
It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to desist from it...
A good friend of mine said, "Aliyah is not the goal, it's the starting point".
I'm impressed!
You have to make a written commitment to yourself that you will remain the same person you were before you got into politics.
Yehudi Yerushalmi, at
Thu Jan 26, 07:30:00 PM GMT+2
Pshhh- Impressed! (Even tho I won't be voting for your party)
Feel free to vote for me in the JIBs tho :)
tafka PP, at
Thu Jan 26, 07:48:00 PM GMT+2
I don't know exactly which position I will find myself
Just make sure that you are not horizontal. Just kidding.
Mazal tov and good luck.
Jack Steiner, at
Thu Jan 26, 08:35:00 PM GMT+2
Good luck, I'm surprised it took you this long to get into the real political world. I find it funny that you hope to attract more people to your blog by running somewhere on the ticket. (I know your joking but I also know that yor serious)
Anonymous, at
Thu Jan 26, 08:51:00 PM GMT+2
Thanks everyone for the support.
yehudi - I have heard that idea before, and I think it's a good one.
Ze'ev, at
Fri Jan 27, 12:25:00 AM GMT+2
KolHakavod, people need to make a difference.
ifyouwillit..., at
Fri Jan 27, 03:36:00 AM GMT+2
I wish you luck, but if I were you I would not get my hopes up too far. A lot of people, including myself, are furious at those in both the Mafdal and Ichud Leumi for not getting it together to unite under one party ticket. (Yes, I've heard the explanations - but they really don't wash.)That anger is going to turn into a low voter turnout on March 28th.
westbankmama, at
Fri Jan 27, 03:53:00 PM GMT+2
Congratulations, and yes, that is the best forum if you want to implement change. It's not a party I would vote for mind you, but still, all the best.
lisoosh, at
Fri Jan 27, 08:37:00 PM GMT+2
You've got my vote and all those that I can round up. Good luck!
Anonymous, at
Sat Jan 28, 09:39:00 PM GMT+2
great news.exciting.
Anonymous, at
Sun Jan 29, 06:26:00 AM GMT+2
As you know, I've been blogging that Moledet NU is the only party worth voting for. Please help me get even more involved!
Batya, at
Sun Jan 29, 07:04:00 AM GMT+2
That's great to hear. Good luck! (Shame I can't vote).
Irina Tsukerman, at
Sun Jan 29, 07:36:00 AM GMT+2
Good luck. Make us proud!!
Rafi G., at
Sun Jan 29, 12:30:00 PM GMT+2
Mazal Tov, My dear friend. Of course I would never ever vote for you. But it is good to know that even the people I would never vote for and thoroughly disagree with our mensches.
But given that you are a mensch, I am not sure they would allow you in the Knesset, even if you were to be elected.
I won't say good luck, or Yishar Koach, but at the very least - well done.
Anonymous, at
Sun Jan 29, 05:30:00 PM GMT+2
Zion, I would be interested in hearing what ideas you have up your sleeve...
WBM, the worst thiung you could do is not vote -= even if you dont vote Ichud - vote for someone - not voiting will only hurt us more... B/c not voting is a vote for Kadima...
Lisoosh - all parties, including the NU have issues, but this is where I have made my political home - at least for now - and I believe that all voters need to be true ot themselves and what they believe in - and vote!
Batya, we'll be in touch about how you can get more involved...
Irina, hopefully you'll be able to vote i nthe next elections (which will probably be in about 2.5 years.
Rafi - I will try...
H - I missed you last night at the elcetions event at the Great Synogaugue - meretz was the only other party handing anything out - sadly for them, it was in Hebrew...
I can see you in the Knesset one day... so maybe we will do lunch there...
Ze'ev, at
Sun Jan 29, 06:33:00 PM GMT+2
OK, Ze'ev - if you're on the National Union list, I suppose I'll let you get away with not voting "strategically" for Likud! (g)
Good luck!
Don Radlauer, at
Sun Jan 29, 06:49:00 PM GMT+2
Ze'ev, I won't be able to vote in the elections, because I don't live in Israel. : ( But maybe one day...
Irina Tsukerman, at
Sun Jan 29, 08:49:00 PM GMT+2
Ireina - I know - that was the idea - come soon!
Ze'ev, at
Sun Jan 29, 11:39:00 PM GMT+2
I am beginning to believe that the polls are out of whack in a collosal way. With the left in a funk because of Sharon's empty chair and Olmert's corruption and opportunism and Hamas's victory, I predict they will stay home in large numbers. I predict NU will be the big success story in the election along with the Arab parties. They will probably be shut out of the coalition, but you never can tell!
Anonymous, at
Mon Jan 30, 12:28:00 AM GMT+2
I am beginning to believe that the polls are out of whack in a collosal way. With the left in a funk because of Sharon's empty chair and Olmert's corruption and opportunism and Hamas's victory, I predict they will stay home in large numbers. I predict NU will be the big success story in the election along with the Arab parties. They will probably be shut out of the coalition, but you never can tell!
Anonymous, at
Mon Jan 30, 12:28:00 AM GMT+2
Zeev said:
We are taught in Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers (2:21):
It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to desist from it...
Don't forget the flip side mishnayot:
Avot 1 mishna 10. Shemayah and Avtalion received the Torah from them. Shemayah said: Love work; hate domination; and seek not undue intimacy with the government.
and especially
Avot 2 mishna 3. Be careful in your relations with the government; for they draw no man close to themselves except for their own interests. They appear as friends when it is to their advantage, but they do not stand by a man in his time of stress.
PS just devil's advocating; see my next post for my real opinion
Anonymous, at
Mon Jan 30, 01:54:00 PM GMT+2
I profusely add my well wishes to the many already here (as I already have between mouthfuls at the kiddush:-)
But except to urge the people WBM thinks won't vote at all, I want to (naturally) second and augment Don's comment that we must vote Likud.
I expect the polls to settle at about 20-25 for Avoda, Kadima and Likud. This will require all right thinking voters to support the only right wing party with a chance at being asked by the president to form a coalition. Otherwise, K and A will do everything we fear they will. Even a small NU, NRP, YB, etc, will help the Likud form a coalition only if the Likud wins. If Likud doesn't win, Likud will be just as loud from the opposition bench as those sattelites will be (even louder, as Bibi the #1 Orator will also be the Opposition Chairman).
So I know it's hard for True Believers to "settle" for ideologically impure lists, but if my poll forecast comes true, remember these words.
And then, consider Evelyn Gordon's op ed http://tinyurl.com/cvcos or
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1136361061844, and think if "two party system" doesn't have a familiar and appealing ring to it?
Anonymous, at
Mon Jan 30, 02:16:00 PM GMT+2
Zeev: Much Hatzlacha from all of us at the Muqata!
Keep in mind; Blogging can sometimes be more effective than being an MK in the Knesset, so don't give it up either!
I already decided that I would much rather influence people from blogging than via the Knesset.
Good Luck!
Jameel @ The Muqata, at
Tue Jan 31, 12:48:00 PM GMT+2
Sheer curiosity, but I can't find the extended list of all 35 candidates...
And I am glad life seems well
Anonymous, at
Fri Feb 10, 06:35:00 AM GMT+2
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