On the Choseness of the People of Israel and the Land of Israel - Eretz Yisrael in Jewish Sources #3
The Land of Israel is beloved since the Holy One Blessed be He chose it. You find that when G-d created the world He distributed the various lands to the heavenly ministers and chose the Land of Israel for Himself. How do we know this? Moshe said, "When the Supreme One apportioned to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the children of man, He set the boundaries of the people according to the number of Children of Israel" (Devarim 32:8). He also chose the people of Israel as His portion, as it is written, "For the Lord's potion is His people; Ya'akov is the lot of His inheritance" (Devarim 32:9). Said the Holy One Blessed be He: "Let Israel, who became My portion, inherit the Land which became My potion".
IsraelThe Holy One Blessed be He said to Israel, "The Land of Israel is My portion, as it is written, 'A Land which the Lord your G-d seeks out' (Devarim 11:12); and you are My portion, as it is written, 'For the Lord's portion is His people' (Devarim 32:9). It is befitting that My portion dwell in My portion.
Tonigbht is setting-fire-night.
- Lag B'omer.As My wife and I werearriving home we sa a group of 7 or 8 youngsters piling wood to make their bonfire in the lot in front of our home.She called the police.
My wife asked the father who was present if they could move their firee site to a location not very near homes and trees. He said "No. If you don't like it in Isarel, you should go back to your country.
The police came ad tried to talk with the parents but the kids argued anyway.
Others called the police. Finally the location of the fire was chabged
Anonymous, at
Mon May 15, 11:33:00 PM GMT+3
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