Some Quick Peasach Thoughts
1) For the second year in a row, there will be 4 generations of my family sitting at the Peasach Seder - in the Land of Israel - 3 of the generations having made Aliyah within the last 4 years, and the last generation, my almost 2-year old daughter having been born in the ancient and eternal capital of the Jewish People - Jerusalem.
If that isn't a fulfillment of the vision of the Prophets coming to life, of the Jewish People returning to Home to the Land of Israel - I don't know what is.
Now, if only we had the ability to bring the Korban Peasach (Paschal Lamb offering) along with being oleh regel (making the pilgrimage to the Holy Temple on the Passover festival) everything would be perfect.
I guess when we end our Seder with "Next Year in Jerusalem!!!", we still have what to hope, work and pray for.
On the other hand, we still have a little bit of time left until Peasach, maybe...
2) This past week I was privileged to bake she'murah matzah for Peasach - together with many of my friends who work for Arutz-7 - something I had never done before.
For pictures, click here - and no, I am not in any of the pictures (although I think my hands might be).
What made the experience particularly special was that not only was I baking she'murah matzot to be used at my very own Peasach for the very 1st time in my life, but I was doing it in the holy city of Beit El (a place frequented by our Forefathers) with many of my friends who themselves had made Aliyah (following in the footsteps of our Forefather, Avraham), with wheat (one of the 7 species special to the Land of Israel), grown by Jews living in the Land of Israel for Jews living in the Land of Israel.
In spite of the many challenges currently facing the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, we are still blessed with the ability to live as proud Jews in the Land of Israel, coming together on a cool Spring night to bake Matzot as our ancestors did 3,318 years ago as they quickly left behind 210 years of Egyptian bondage, only this time, we did so from the comfort of our own Home - in the Land of Israel -as Jews who can hold their heads high having returned Home from a 2,000 year Exile...
And, as Jews who will sit at their Passover Seder this year as truly free and proud Jews - a freedom that only comes to the Jew who is sovriegn over his Homeland - the Land of Israel.
If that isn't a fulfillment of the vision of the Prophets coming to life, of the Jewish People returning to Home to the Land of Israel - I don't know what is.
Now, if only we had the ability to bring the Korban Peasach (Paschal Lamb offering) along with being oleh regel (making the pilgrimage to the Holy Temple on the Passover festival) everything would be perfect.
I guess when we end our Seder with "Next Year in Jerusalem!!!", we still have what to hope, work and pray for.
On the other hand, we still have a little bit of time left until Peasach, maybe...
2) This past week I was privileged to bake she'murah matzah for Peasach - together with many of my friends who work for Arutz-7 - something I had never done before.
For pictures, click here - and no, I am not in any of the pictures (although I think my hands might be).
What made the experience particularly special was that not only was I baking she'murah matzot to be used at my very own Peasach for the very 1st time in my life, but I was doing it in the holy city of Beit El (a place frequented by our Forefathers) with many of my friends who themselves had made Aliyah (following in the footsteps of our Forefather, Avraham), with wheat (one of the 7 species special to the Land of Israel), grown by Jews living in the Land of Israel for Jews living in the Land of Israel.
In spite of the many challenges currently facing the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, we are still blessed with the ability to live as proud Jews in the Land of Israel, coming together on a cool Spring night to bake Matzot as our ancestors did 3,318 years ago as they quickly left behind 210 years of Egyptian bondage, only this time, we did so from the comfort of our own Home - in the Land of Israel -as Jews who can hold their heads high having returned Home from a 2,000 year Exile...
And, as Jews who will sit at their Passover Seder this year as truly free and proud Jews - a freedom that only comes to the Jew who is sovriegn over his Homeland - the Land of Israel.
Enjoy your four generations - that's amazing! Chag Kasher V'Sameach.
Shoshana, at
Tue Apr 11, 06:57:00 PM GMT+3
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Sat Apr 15, 08:00:00 AM GMT+3
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Sat Apr 15, 09:16:00 AM GMT+3
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Sun Apr 16, 10:27:00 AM GMT+3
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Sun Apr 16, 11:10:00 AM GMT+3
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