Sunday, August 21, 2005

A "Disengagement" related Moral Dilemma (Part 1)

The expulsion machinery is running like clockwork here in the Land of Israel. The last 6 Jewish communities in Gush Katif / Gaza have been emptied of Jews today, and tomorrow it will be on to the Jewish communities of the northern Shomron.

I can't imagine there being a Jew in Israel or anywhere in the world for that matter, who when listening to the news, watching footage of the expulsions, or even merely reading about it in paper or on the internet can't feel a tremendous pain in their heart. This pain, if not over the desecration of G-d's name, and if not over the destruction of Jewish communities and expulsion of Jews from their homes in the Land of Israel at the hands of a Jewish government and security services, must at the very least stem from knowing of the pain and suffering of the thousands of Jews who are being personally affected in this Jewish (& human) tragedy.

That being said, is it wrong for one to avoid listening / watching / reading the news so that they can keep their own personal peace of mind and not walk around feeling depressed and saddened all day? Or, is this the type of tragedy that every member of the Jewish People should force themselves to feel and endure as much as possible, until it's all over, and not allow themselves to "fiddle while Rome burns"?


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