Sunday, October 02, 2005

When the sacred becomes profane...

There are few things in Israel as sacrosanct as the Holocaust. Those who make use of the Holocaust for political / personal ends are generally met with a fury from the media and general public that knows no bounds.


At the fourth annual Arabic theater festival Masrahid, representing the growing Arabic theater culture in Israel, that takes place in Acco (Acre), the play "Anna and Kitty" - the first Arabic adaptation of 'The Diary of Anne Frank', produced by Liat Ben Shushan, a Jewish woman, was performed.
The famous Dutch Jewish teen who hides in an attic in Amsterdam before being sent off to a Nazi concentration camp is played by 30-year-old Druze actress Anat Khadir, who grew up in the village of Daliyat el-Carmel.

Khadir does not believe the story to be of interest to Jews only.

"Anne Frank could be a Druze woman living under the control of her community's leaders, a girl in Cuba, an Ethiopian girl, a black girl, or a Palestinian girl in a Palestinian refugee camp."

A number of questions:

1) Why would the State of Israel give funding to a festival that will make a mockery of the Holocaust?

2) Why am I not surprised that the producer of this play was a Jewish woman?

3) Where is the public outcry against the play for comparing Israeli's to Nazi's who are oppressing the "innocent Palestinians"?

4) What if, instead of this play starring a Druze woman and focusing on the suffering of the "Palestinians", that it starred a "settler" and focused on their suffering at the hands of the Israeli army & government - would it be received with the same acceptance?


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